by jordicabot | Aug 7, 2022 | industry relations, Research Rants
We often hear that researchers are disconnected from reality. That what we do has little practical application. We all universally agree on the benefits of industry-research collaboration, even more on the software field. But my feeling is that the burden of starting...
by jordicabot | Jan 21, 2020 | industry relations, stories entrepreneur, wordpress_drupal
I was already a researcher on a mission but now I’m also a researcher with a bot. Probably one of the firsts ones (not bragging about it, more the contrary, no competition is typically a bad sign). Chatting with my bot My virtual me is ready to answer your...
by jordicabot | Dec 29, 2015 | industry relations, proposals, Research Rants
The role of Academia in the startup world is a topic that interests many of us (in fact, it should be of interest to any researcher, even if you’re not planning to build a company yourself). In this podcast, Marc Andreessen talks about this same topic. Given...
by jordicabot | Sep 13, 2013 | industry relations, job, Research Rants
I found very interesting to read the list of reasons given by a PhD Student in his/her resignation letter (after four years working towards getting a PhD at EPFL). The full letter can be read here. Though I don’t agree with all the points s/he makes, I do agree...
by jordicabot | Apr 3, 2011 | industry relations, Research Rants
(cross-posted from the Modeling Languages Portal ) Research groups develop plenty of tools aimed at solving real industrial problems. Unfortunately, most of these tools remain as simple proof-of-concept tools that companies consider too risky to use due to their lack...