by jordicabot | Feb 14, 2016 | funding, proposals, Research Rants
A couple of weeks ago I submitted my proposal for the ERC Consolidator Grant 2016 call. Since I believe that open science includes not only the actual research activities but the research ideas themselves, I’ve decided to make my proposal public. You can read...
by jordicabot | Dec 29, 2015 | industry relations, proposals, Research Rants
The role of Academia in the startup world is a topic that interests many of us (in fact, it should be of interest to any researcher, even if you’re not planning to build a company yourself). In this podcast, Marc Andreessen talks about this same topic. Given...
by jordicabot | Aug 11, 2015 | funding, proposals, Research Rants
Sometimes a few numbers go a long way to explain the deplorable status of research funding in a country, in this case, Spain (but unfortunately I’m pretty sure I could write the same for a few other ones). Some time ago I applied for a grant from the...
by jordicabot | Jan 11, 2013 | proposals, Research Rants
My team participates in all kinds of projects (large and small, at the european, national and regional level). All of them require me to spend countless hours in stupid paperwork (you know how this works, my team gets to do the enjoyable part, i.e. the actual...
by jordicabot | Nov 29, 2011 | proposals, Research Rants
A researcher takes the time to prepare a 40-page proposal just to ask for some travel money and one laptop. This is just plain stupid (I’m not saying the researcher is stupid but the situation clearly is). His/her writing time plus my reviewing time (and that of...
by jordicabot | Jul 4, 2011 | doing research, proposals, Research Rants
All researchers should spend some time in foreign research institutions but, unfortunately, the first thing I have to check whenever I get an email from a researcher X that wants to do a stay with my group is whether X expects me to pay him a salary. If the answer is...