Face-to-face meetings are always better than virtual ones but more traveling is always a disruption so why don’t we take the opportunity of a planned upcoming trip next to you to meet (schedules are always tight so make sure to let me know in advance if you’d like to plan a meeting)?
Where to find me
- Copenhagen (Denmark). 14-19/10. Models conference
- London (UK). 24-26/10. Sustain Summit
Lost opportunities
- Toulouse (France). 24-26/06. STAF conference
- Paris (France). 5-7/07. Meeting
- Luxembourg. 12-14/09. Meeting
- Nantes (France). 28-31/05. RCIS conference
- Nantes (France). 13-15/11. PhD Thesis of Gwendal Daniel.
- Rome (Italy). 24-25/10. MegaMart2 meeting.
- Luxembourg. 16-17/10. PhD thess.
- Luxembourg. 12-14/09. Project reviews.
- Austin (USA). 19-22/09. Models conference.
- Rome (Italy). 5-8/06. ICWE 2017. Int. Conf. on Web Engineering
- Murcia (Spain). 11-12/06. Seminar at the University of Murcia
- Montpellier (France). 15-16/06- Keynote at the National French Conferece GDR-GPL
- New York (USA). 20-23/06. Meeting organized by the Sloan and Ford Foundations
- Madrid. 30/06. Thesis defense at the UCM.
- London (UK). 12-15/07. Keynote at RuleML+RR 2017: International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning
- Marburg (Germany). 19-22/07. Attending ECMFA, OCL and GrandMDE events at STAF17.
- Bordeaux (France), 16-17/05. Meeting
- Vasteras (Sweden), 04-06/04. Kickstart of the MegaMart ECSEL EU project.
- Gothenburg (Sweden), 28-30/03. Thesis defense
- CEA Paris (France), 16/03. Thesis defense
- Nantes (France), 06-11/12. Thesis defense
- Gifu (Japan), 14-17/11. International Confernece on Conceptual Modeling
- Luxembourg, 07-08/11. Thesis defense.
- Bogotá (Colombia), 17-21/10. Keynote at national industrial software event.
- Ciudad Real (Spain), 04-07/09. International Software Engineering Research Network Meeting
- Stockholm (Sweden), 13-16/09. Keynote at Ericsson Modeling days
- Luxembourg, 21-24/09. Research Projects evaluation
- Paris (France), 30/09. Thesis defense
- Saint-Malo (France), 2-7/10. 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Models 2016)
- Amsterdam (Netherlands), 29/10 – 01/11. 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2016)
- Vienna (Austria), 30/06-05/07. PB Models & STAF.
- Mallorca (Spain), 15/07. Talk at CreantBits on open source communities
- Madrid (Spain), 19/07. Thesis defense
- Milan (Italy), 12-14/01. Thesis defense of Andrea Mauri
- Vienna (Austria), 18-19/01. Research meeting with the BiG group.
- Paris (France), 21/01. Invited talk at CEA
- York (UK), 11-13/04. Thesis defense
- Luxembourg, 21-24/09. Research meeting at Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust
- Basque Country (Spain). 26-27/04. Visits to Onekin and Ikerlan
- Málaga (Spain). 28/04. Thesis defense of Loli Burgueño
- Austin (USA). 15-18/05. 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’16)